Copper Center, Alaska-Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve has scheduled a volunteer trail improvement event in the Slana area. The event is scheduled for the weekend of August 26, 27, and 28th. The project kicks-off with a barbeque on the 26th at 6:00pm at the Slana Community Corporation building followed by a classroom session on sustainable trails, presented by Kevin Meyer, National Park Service Regional Trails Specialist.
On Saturday, August 27, volunteers will meet at 9:00am at the Copper Lake Trailhead at mile 12.2 of the Nabesna Road for trail maintenance to help with the installation of Geoblock, atrail hardening material to be placed in a wet meadow area approximately ¾ of a mile from the trailhead.Please bring gloves, water-proof boots and a sack lunch.
On Sunday, August 28, at 9:00am meet back at the Copper Lake Trailhead with Kevin Meyer to test your sustainable trail skills and apply the fundamentals in an on-the-ground trail layout exercise.
Volunteers are welcome to participate in any or all of the activities.For more information please contact Bruce Rogers at 822-7276.